Monday, November 21, 2016

Goddammit all to hell

So, obviously I am at a point mentally where I can follow politics and think about them again. But it's still like prodding at a sensitive tooth, every once in a while it hurts. Today this video of Barack Obama joining in on a chorus of Sweet Home Chicago came up as I was listening to music and it just made me want to cry

Not his fault, the video was great, it was funny watching him get peer pressured by musical legends to sing with them, and although obviously embarrassed he pulled it off well. It's just... that is what we are losing, and we are getting someone who, well, is like the exact opposite of that.

This has nothing to do with Presidential qualities really, except insofar as it a reflection of the relative poise and grace of the two men. I just hate the idea that I have to see him on my news feeds for the next up to eight years.

Just dammit all to hell.

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