Monday, November 28, 2016

Apparently more pissed off than I thought still.

I'm tired, my football team lost today, it was busy at work, and The Toddler is still going to be president, there isn't a lot to be excited about at the moment.

I keep seeing articles like this cross my feed, I don't even read them mostly, now that it is too late to do anything about it the media suddenly notices that The Toddler is dangerously incompetent and incredibly racist, and is surrounding himself with incompetent racists as well, he made a stupid tweet about Castro's death, and again about how there were millions of fraudulent votes cast in the election, and the world is up in arms finally, major news sources are talking about it, asking how this could happen? Fuck. They made it happen, they gave him a platform and didn't do any substantive critical reporting because they were worried about losing access until it was far too late, and now they want us to join them in acting shocked, shocked that the orange clown man is a horrible person.

They weren't alone of course, it would have all meant nothing if white rural America wasn't so stupid that any possible simile would feel like it was giving them too much credit. I am sorry, but- actually you know what? I am not sorry, these people are shit and there is no fucking excuse for them. They actively decided that emails were worse than blatant racism, that a literal evil billionaire had more of their interests at heart than someone running with the most progressive platform in Democratic party history. They had the evidence and they chose to go with the fascist Cheeto, now I read that many in those areas fear that they will lose healthcare, well no fucking shit, maybe you shouldn't have voted for the man who explicitly and repeatedly said he would take it away?

Republican members of congress are doing the exact same thing, the relatively sane ones are now seeing that The Toddler is exactly the person who ran for president, and suddenly there are rumblings of discontent, well woop de fuck do you want a medal? The time to be worried and speak out against him was before the election, now, well shit, you must have wanted him, a bare handful of Republicans reliably spoke out against him during the election, others flip flopped, alternately condemning and supporting depending on polling in their districts, and now, now that it is too late to change anything, now they talk about being worried.

Let's go back to white people though, the ones who actually voted for the man out of the hopes that what, they would get their factory job back? Or the coal mine would reopen? No, they didn't actually care about that at all, not really, oh that is what they will say when polled, or something stupid about "being free again" but no, the reality is they couldn't accept being lead by a woman for 4-8 years and basically would grasp at any and every straw to rationalize voting against her. Well, that and the racism of course, it doesn't matter how much you might agree with someone's economic plans, or their stance on globalism, when they literally advocate for racist policies and you vote for them anyway, you are a racist and there is no excuse for it. It's pretty damned obvious with The Toddler because HE HAD NO ECONOMIC PLAN AT ALL. Literally, nothing beyond "Close loopholes, tax imports".

Fuck white rural America, and hell, fuck white Americans in general, all you pieces of shit who decided to fuck anyone with darker skin than you because you are scared of terrorists, or because you
"Just don't trust" Hillary Clinton and that is apparently enough to override any amount of rational thought. I hate you all and hope you die in the worst ways imaginable, no one will miss you and the world will be better for your absence.

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