Friday, October 28, 2016


So the Bundy's and company were acquitted today for some fucking reason.
For those who aren't aware, they and their stupid friends decided to take over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge for a while, they brought guns and supplies and said they were protesting the fact that the federal government owns land and that is horrible or some shit. They threatened to shoot people who tried to kick them out and wrecked up the place.
A jury decided that they were not guilty of basically all of that, this despite there being literal physical proof of everything I just described.

See, apparently the jury decided that their actions were a protest, and thus a form of protected speech or some shit. They decided this so hard that one juror who disagreed was removed and replaced with one who would.

So basically if you are a nutty militia type you have basically been given carte blanche to go and be as huge an asshole as possible to anyone you like as long as you don't kill them outright, or if you do kill them make sure they are black I guess. Oh yeah, you should probably be white too, but other than that you are golden, take over a post office to protest the mail for some fucking reason, federal employees coming to your house every day probably, take over a bank because they have a bunch of money and you don't, fort up in your suburban cul-de-sac and seize your neighboring properties to protest the encroachment of unsavory types(minorities), clearly encouraged by the government, into your neighborhood, fuck it, you can do what you want.

Meanwhile Native Americans are getting arrested by the dozen for unarmed protest on their own land of an action by the government and private corporations that violates a treaty, but you know, oil.

Fuck I don't know what else there is to say, I mean I shouldn't be surprised given all that has happened in the last few years with people escaping conviction left and right for serious crimes that involve minorities, but I figured in this one case these idiots would have been made an example of, but I suppose this is indicative of the mistrust the federal government is held in by the average American.

Still would like to know what would have happened if BLM or someone had done it, place would probably have been drone striked or some shit.

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