Wednesday, September 21, 2016

No good cops.

Protests in Charlotte today, possibly could end up deserving the term "riot". A civilian was shot, the cops say by another civilian, but is not dead, a number of cops are injured and I assume so too are a greater number of protestors, the governor has declared a state of emergency.

This was going to happen anyway, the only question was where, the shooting of Keith Lamont Scott yesterday settled that for now, family say he was in his car reading a book when he was executed, police say he had a gun, family says he didn't own a gun, police say he was being threatening and ignored commands to disarm, he is dead now.

The police could be right, it is entirely conceivable that Mr. Scott had a weapon and was a threat, but here's the thing: The cops no longer have the benefit of the doubt in the eyes of the black community, too many are dead with no consequences, too many are in jail, too many are pulled over daily for driving while black. Trust must be earned, and the police in this country have not earned it, and indeed appear to be going out of their way to tell the black community that they cannot be trusted.

At least one black person a day has been shot dead during the last couple weeks it seems, and the majority of them appear to have been unarmed at least, and compliant/nonthreatening at best. They were normal people going about their normal day, sometimes in their homes, sometimes in public, and they are dead now because the police departments in America are too fucking cowardly to wait to find out if a man has a sandwich in his hand rather than a gun.

I mean it, the police no longer deserve our respect, our fear certainly, they have earned that, but not respect, to get that there needs to be at least a sign that nationally they have any sort of care for the safety of our population over their own, and I don't give a crap if the cops who do these shootings are in the minority, the departments are doing nothing to cut them loose or punish them, the rank and file keeps going out with them, helping cover up their crimes, the officers and unions defend their offenders without hesitation and the entire justice system collaborates to ensure that in most cases they never even go to trial.

There are no good cops if this is the status quo they are defending, you can't say that you deserve respect when your coworkers murder people every day and you do nothing to stop it, you do not deserve our respect and you should not be doing that job unless you are actually prepared to defend those you swore to protect, all of them. If you are unprepared to do that, then quit, I mean it, I don't care that you have a family to care for, a dozen and a half black men in the last week or two did as well and they will never get a chance to care for them again, you at least can get another job,

Go Charlotte, burn the place down, America only notices anything if it is on fire

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