Monday, September 12, 2016

Maybe we should forget

The anniversary of the terror attacks that brought down the Twin Towers was today, it coincided with the beginning of the NFL season as well, which lead to a perfect storm of patriotic violence that has rarely been seen.

I say that, but really every day in 9/11 was a storm of patriotic violence, and I am not sure we are doing the memory of those who died that day any favors by allowing the event such influence over how our entire culture operates even today.

We got our revenge, those who planned the attacks are dead at the hands of our troops, hundreds of thousands more who were not involved are also dead, entire countries have been reshaped, and we gave up civil liberties willingly and enthusiastically to prevent future attacks, at this point the only remaining people who can be argued to be responsible for the attacks are actually American politicians, and we can't declare war on them... yet anyway. Not until the revolution comes.

It's not worth the emotional energy anymore, I work with people who don't remember the towers coming down, they don't really get why it's so important, and I don't blame them, oh they act as if it is important because everyone else does, but they don't understand, and I think that they are right. It isn't understandable anymore.

It isn't a good excuse anymore, and with the whole insistence on not forgetting, we are holding on to that post attack mindset and using it to justify our ongoing lashing out at perceived threats, it does no good at all, I was going to say it helps no one, but certain parties have done very well for themselves out of the nationalist-friendly tone that has suffused the country since that day, I think they have taken enough as well.

Remember the dead, mourn them, then let them rest, to keep using them like this only associates them with horrible violence and injustice.

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