Sunday, September 25, 2016

Debate prep

I am tired and can't think of anything else to write about so this is what is on my mind. The first, and possibly only presidential debate is coming up on Monday and I am excited, I don't know if this will compare to the absolute insanity that was the first Republican primary debate but I am hoping.

It is generally accepted by those who know things that debates don't really do much, unless one or the other makes a huge mistake, and also that no one watches them, I think that both these statements are wrong this year around. Trump has been a unique event this entire election, and I do not mean that as a compliment, but conventional wisdom has been pretty out the window this whole time except in the matter of polling, those have generally maintained a good deal of accuracy throughout the whole process, which is why I am confident of a Clinton victory in November, though personally I think the polls are drastically understating turnout in all categories, which is why I predict a blowout.

Other than that though Trump's presence has made things matter that didn't before, and things that really should matter do not for some reason. He doesn't do politics like anyone else really ever has.

Again that is not a compliment, one of the things he doesn't do is rely on facts, at all, or even consistent lies, contradicting himself sometimes in the same sentence of a speech. Trump does not welcome feedback, arguments, or questions, and we have seen he does quite poorly when confronted with any of those things, even in the primary debates it started being noticeable, as the field narrowed and candidates would occasionally challenge him, he grew visibly uncomfortable and lashed out, this more than anything is why he stopped attending them in my opinion.

He doesn't get to do that this time, he has to attend at least one debate before he can claim the system is rigged and withdraw from the others. So we will see him one on one with someone who is uninterested in letting him get away with lying for two hours straight.

He will not be prepared, proper debate prep means someone actually has to argue with him, and we have established that he doesn't like that and it is pretty clear that he doesn't distinguish between acting and reality, no one in his camp is prepared to get fired by insisting he have real practice debates, so his "prep" so far has been odd little working lunches spitballing one liners with his aides.

That said, expectations for him are so low that as long as he doesn't either punch Clinton or literally call her a bitch to her face, the narrative will be that he showed growth and kept calm, proving he can be presidential.

At least, that was before he spent the last couple weeks pissing the press off, now I don't know, we might end up seeing actual coverage of the debate that reflects reality. Either way enough people will be watching that the network spin is going to have to work real hard to make anyone think the event ended in a draw or anything.

We'll see, two sleeps remain.

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