Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A work story

A group of customers came in and, after ordering a pitcher of beer and watching the game for a while, decided to get some pizzas, they selected two of the large size and then became dead to me by telling me "I'll make it easy on you, put everything on them".

Now that is totally a thing you can do, we don't charge by the topping at my job, the problem is "everything" consists of about twenty or so toppings, and even scaling back the individual amounts to account for it means you have a pizza that is at this point more of a casserole. A gross one at that, which blue cheese, cucumber, spinach, artichokes, buffalo chicken, garlic, etc.
These are not flavors that play well together really, but more to the point, IT ISN'T FUCKING EASY. Like, I could make about four other pizzas in the time it take me to put together a single one of your gross monstrosities, then after I make your horrible creations, I have to restock and clean the line, and because I used every damned item I have, I have a lot of cleaning and restocking to do, so thanks for that, I could be doing the books, or folding boxes, or dishes, or anything, but no, you and your friends think that you are being clever by making the shittiest pizza in the world.

I hope it gave you apocalyptic diarrhea.

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