Sunday, August 21, 2016

Writing about writing, again.

There is so much I want to talk about, and no time to do it, I have been waffling since like midnight and I have to be up in about four hours for work. I'll probably have to actually put effort into work too since people are starting to realize it is almost time for school and have to do shopping for it, turns out Cascade Station is a pretty big shopping destination even if you aren't going to/from the Airport. The Max construction might tone it down some, but I doubt it.

The stuff I want to talk about isn't anything personal, it's things like cops being murderers, Native American protesters attempting to stop pipeline construction, and of course, the political process here in the States. The problem is to talk intelligently about that stuff I need to actually make sure the things I say are true, or at least something I can back up a little bit, even if I don't cite my sources I try to do at least a little bit of research when I write about this stuff and it isn't fair to the people who's cause I support if I don't know what I am talking about.
I of course am not interested in being fair to those I don't support, as the oppressors deserve exactly the amount of consideration they give the oppressed.

The more I learn and think about social issues, the more I realize there really aren't as many grey areas as some would have you think, the truth is rarely in the middle when it comes to equality and social justice. It generally comes down to one side saying "stop killing us/taking our stuff" and the other side saying "Mah rights!"

Talking about that in detail though is hard to do, hence why I decided to write about writing tonight rather than attempt it.

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