Monday, August 15, 2016

Tired post

I was social and engaged today, that is exhausting. I went to work, found out that one of the managers got fired and I may or may not be in line to get a promotion to more work, we will see how that goes in the next month or so, then I went to help Max recover his long lost scooter from the seedy side street next to the Columbia River it had been located in.

We grabbed it with no problems, I was proud of myself for finding the location and getting there from work without the aid of Google Maps at all. Then I promptly got stuck in traffic and lost getting back in to town, oh well.

Helped Max unload the scooter, then went to dinner with him and Katy, it was nice! I hadn't actually had a chance to hang out with them in a situation that wasn't a loud ass bar during a party in basically years, so being able to converse and stuff was fun, food was good too, thanks Max!

That said, even if I like hanging out with people, it's friggin' exhausting for me, I am going to bed.

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