Tuesday, August 9, 2016

How did we get here V: The only thing we have to fear is Fiorina itself.

The two outsider candidates announced on the same day, Fiorina got second billing because I did this alphabetically.

Position: Ex CEO of Hewlett-Packard

Announcement Date: May 4, 2015

Withdrew: Feb 10, 2016

Accomplishments: Fired 30,000 people while "saving the company"
A lizard person?: Yep!

Carly Fiorina differs from Ben Carson in a number of obvious ways, but her outsider status is also something different, the boundary between large business and politics has been somewhat frayed in recent decades, and her experience at the height of power in that field probably helped her prepare for some aspects of attempting to gain public office. That didn't go so well, as her first attempt, running for a Senate seat in California, was plagued by missteps and she lost by about ten points to Barbara Boxer.

During the presidential race, her gender managed to give her an early bump, because if nothing else you could tell her apart from all the other yahoos.
Her politics are the stereotypical grab bag of conservative talking points, the usual anti-gay, abortion, and gun control points combined with basically Libertarian financial views and a foreign policy designed to make as many enemies as possible with the ultimate intention, apparently, to glass the Middle East.

That said her version of most of this stuff was comparatively moderate, for example she stops short of saying gays should be executed, and is supportive of abortions in the usual rape, incest, and life of the mother situation.

Despite her "lenient" stance on abortion, she chose Planned Parenthood as her main enemy around the time the debates started, eagerly embracing the now completely debunked and staged videos that purported to show PP executives planning the sale of baby parts, as well as repeatedly telling all who would listen about another video she saw of a late term abortion and doctors murdering a viable fetus or some such bullshit, despite never being able to produce such a video and no one else having seen it.

Fiorina could speak fairly authoritatively and convincingly on her topics, which was something in her favor, but after her initial splash once the debates started, she basically faded into anonymity, my guess is this was due to the fact that she looks really creepy, she is kinda like Ted Cruz in that way, a smart and knowledgeable person who just has no charisma to speak of, or really, some sort of anti-charisma, I look at Cruz or Fiorina and my reaction, without even listening to them, is "Don't ever be alone with them". They twig my fight or flight reflex quite heavily and I instinctively have them even without knowing their exact views.

Speaking of exact views, I am not sure Fiorina actually has any, her campaign always seemed very superficial to me, I mean yes she had her platform and could speak at least a few details about it, but it never felt like her heart was in it, in this way she kinda was like Mitt Romney, who I believe she looked to for inspiration. I don't think she was running for president to change the world, or out of deeply held beliefs, I don't think she has any, she was running because she thought she had a shot at more power than even the CEO of one of the worlds largest businesses has and she wanted it, probably not even to do anything with except to enrich herself, but mostly because at that level power is everything, whether you use it or not is irrelevant, having it is what matters.

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