Saturday, July 30, 2016

Personal update

Nice day today, work was incredibly busy but since we actually had enough people working for once, it turnout out actually kind of fun? This is not a feeling I associate with my job normally and is confusing and scary. Hell I am even getting used to working five days a week finally, normally after a workweek I'd be pretty wrecked the day after, able only to hobble to the kitchen and eat Doritos in between raids, but now I am filled with vigor, and am able to go to the store to purchase Doritos if I run out! Yes, I am thirty three, why do you ask? I earned that money, if I want to buy Doritos and play WoW with it I shall, if I want to buy three pounds of pear flavored jelly beans from WinCo I shall as well! Good day sir!

I will admit to buying too many jelly beans, in my defense it was difficult to judge the weight by hand.

Anyway, I am loving my new work schedule of "not closing every damn night" it means I get to see my wife once in a while and also (theoretically) go to bed before three in the morning. I still would like to get a job where I don't have to stand all the time, also where I don't end every day covered in sweat and pizza sauce, but I can deal for a while yet I think.

That's all I got tonight, we'll return to outrage or attempts at insightful political commentary tomorrow maybe, or the day after, you know, sometime. If there is anything that can be guaranteed it is that something will happen and it will be stupid or make me angry at some point.

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