Friday, July 22, 2016


So I may have mentioned a couple times that Donald Trump is a sexist doucheweasel, I never backed that up instead choosing to simply say "look it up". Now I don't agree with telling people that in many cases, sure there are times when it is appropriate, such as when you are arguing feminist stuff and some dude wants his hand to be held with the very basic concept, or when the discussion just isn't about teaching someone something that is easy to find out, but this blog is not any of those situations and I feel like it was unfair of me to not give example, plus I want to make fun of the orange raisin man some more.

I could give examples of his company pay scales, or his campaign pay scales, or talk about his (several) sexual harassment lawsuits, or simply link to literally anything he ever said while on his many visits to the Howard Stern show, but that isn't creepy enough, I want to talk about his relationship with Ivanka, his daughter.

Exhibit A is in the form of a picture:
Now the magazine is surely to blame for some of this, but the man should know better, and in case you were wondering, yes those are statues of parrots fuckin on the right over there, also Ivanka is about fifteen in this one.

Exhibit B is here.

That link contains no less than three instances where he "joked" publicly and in an interview setting, that he would probably bang his daughter if he could get away with it. I am not counting the time when, just after she was born, he speculated on the size of her breasts.

Exhibit C happened last night.

That was after her speech about him, which otherwise went pretty well. However the strange pseudo butt grab and boob glance makes things pretty awkward if you ask me.

Now before I get into it I want to make clear that the gif there is probably nothing more than an awkward attempt at a hug, probably. But taken as a part of an ongoing behavior trend it is kind of worrying, Melania isn't feeling it either.
If looks could kill, Pence would be the presidential nominee.

All creepiness aside, I don't honestly think Trump wants to bang his daughter, but what we are seeing here is a man who doesn't know how to act with women, even those in his family, in any way other than if they were sex objects.
More than that, his pattern of behavior seems to indicate that he doesn't know that there is any other way to treat women period.

In Trumps world, men at like he does, and women act like he wants them to. It is surely the case in his family, where he controls the purse strings and enforces certain behaviors and looks, but he doesn't know there is a difference between family and the rest of the world, and he doesn't know that you don't treat your daughter like you would treat the model you have been lusting after all day.

He never learned to be a father, in his own words he "Provided the money and let the mother do the raising". My suspicion is he barely paid attention to any of his kids until they were old enough to use, instead remaining the classic distant godlike father figure who is to be pleased at all costs. But when a working class father pulls that act(and he shouldn't) the father still has to interact with women in the real world who he can't buy and who under no circumstances will fuck him, Donald Trump does not live in the same world as the rest of us and the glimpses of his familial interactions I think show that pretty clearly.

Now I am not suggesting that just because Trump never learned that you don't treat your daughter as a sex object that he is blameless, it is scummy no matter what the reason is, and he is scummy in basically everything he does with everyone. Other people, even billionaires, manage to raise a family without going on a radio show and telling millions of people "If she wasn't my daughter I'd probably be dating her". It's just an explanation.

Trump is someone who never had to learn to deal with anyone on anything other than his own terms, and he has no interest in changing those terms for anything, including his run for the presidency. THIS IS NEITHER A COMPLIMENT NOR A GOOD THING. He is a crazy man with crazy ideas, and he has shown no sense of self awareness even when interacting with family on the most public stage imaginable.

It doesn't bode well is what I am saying.

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