Monday, July 11, 2016

Day recap

It's pretty amazing the difference between a good and a bad day at work is, for my current position, and in most retail jobs the difference is generally one person, one person too few turns a steady stream of customers into a backed up line, and turns thirty minutes of closing into an hour and a half. That is what happened today.

My boss claims to be working on getting our staffing up, but I don't know, I think he is just looking at the sales figures and labor costs then just shrugging and saying "good enough" before not changing any other aspect of his scheduling. He never has to close, so it isn't like it affects him at all.

I came home to a snack I hadn't had in a long time, blackberries in milk with honey, so that was cool, I ate them while reading a book of sci-fi that my dad got for me as a birthday present, now I am calling this good enough and going to bed early enough to get possibly enough sleep that I won't want to die at work tomorrow, all in all I guess it could be worse.

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