Friday, July 1, 2016

Birthday thoughts.

It's my Birthday! Go me!

I dunno, I don't usually care too much about the whole thing, I think it might be part of the whole "getting a cookie for showing up" thing I have problems with in other situations, yeah I lived another year, lots of people manage it and I don't see how that is special. Demanding a day dedicated to me for it seems pretty egotistical.

Yet I don't have any problem celebrating other people's birthdays, well except for the usual problems I have being in social situations for longer than I feel comfortable anyhow. I don't think my friends or family are being asses when they celebrate their birthday, so obviously it's more about me than it is about the whole tradition itself.

I like having people buy me food to eat too, so I can't really complain, don't really care too much about presents, more neat things are nice, but I don't feel like getting stuff is a requirement these days.

Except for 2016 Republican primary stuff, I am gonna start a collection I think. Zena hates the idea of  Trump hat being in the house, but it's just gonna sit in a box anyway, or perhaps eventually a handsome display case in an office with the rest of the reminders of this shitshow. But I digress.

This year is sort of different, I find myself actually looking forward to the thing for once. For the last couple years I have not been excited about the prospect of a birthday, not like I was dreading it, but just like I wasn't thinking at all about it, and then became incredibly depressed when it happened for reasons that are unclear but probably related to the whole "failed business, wrecked life" thing.

Anyway, I am much better so far this year, I admit that so far is only a little under an hour and things could change, but I suspect I'll be okay, which is a pretty good gift all things considered.

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