Saturday, July 16, 2016

A TrumpPence!

Donald Trump announced his probable running mate today, I say probable because the party actually decides, and can choose someone else at the convention, but I suspect they won't in this particular case.
The man(?) is Mike Pence a Senator from Indiana, now I put the question mark there because there is some question about him, not his gender, but rather his humanity, I give you a Sontaran from Dr. Who:
A handsome fellow, no?

Here is Senator Pence:
Creepier when they put the skinsuit on.

The resemblance is strong, but I could make jokes about the appearances of the other frontrunners, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie as well, and most likely will at some point.

So who is Mike Pence? Well he signed the highly controversial "religious freedom" bill that got the entire country to decide that maybe they never wanted to visit Indiana again, reducing tourism by a whopping 78%, or in raw numbers, two dozen people. (Figures may be pulled out of my ass)

He's no fan of women either, at least not if they have abortions, or miscarriages, attempting to make it a crime to not bury the results of either procedure, no matter how early in the pregnancy, yes this includes the large percentage of miscarriages that happen without people really realizing it, and no it is not explained how he expects to enforce it.

He has attempted numerous appalling things in his state, and if we can say one good thing about the people and government of Indiana, it is that they managed to reign him in surprisingly well during his tenure. But for some reason he convinced Paul Manafort to convince Trump to choose his as his VP so the rest of the nation gets to be subjected to the Hoosier Golem for the next few months.

Pence is a horrible person, more so than the average Republican Senator really, but of the three he surely was the best choice being someone who the nation hasn't been fully exposed to and hasn't learned to hate viscerally yet like Newt and Chris. He is probably the closest thing to a neutral pick that Trump could have made.

You know what is interesting though? Trump didn't really want to make it, according to a leak from the campaign he wanted Gingrich, and as late as midnight on the day of the selection he was asking advisors and family members if he could take it back and pick someone else.

Let's talk about the ways that Trump royally fucked up this announcement, first he delayed until almost the convention to do so, seriously it's like next week, next he initially announced a press conference at 11 AM Friday to talk about it, however on Thursday night the attack in Nice happened, so "out of respect" he pushed it back because he was so overwhelmed by sorrow or some bullshit. Then the leaks started, probably from the Pence camp in an attempt to ensure that no last minute change of mind happened, and the news sites by the evening where reporting it.

This morning Trump tweeted the announcement, a half an hour later or so the campaign released the most perfunctory announcement ever, it could have fit in a tweet. As of this writing the Donald Trump for President website does not include a Mike Pence for VP section, and the Trump Twitter account has not linked the Pence account or told his followers how to find him.

All signs point to Trump being reigned in vigorously by his family and campaign team, such as it is, and also to Trump not wanting his announcement to be upstaged with anything else, he wanted the VP conversation to dominate the weekend news cycle, you can tell because of the lackadaisical nature of the announcement, the delay of the press conference until Saturday, and the fact that outside of a couple announcement tweets and like one commentary on something, the Trump Twitter account has been silent all day, and I don't think that he wrote those tweets either, I think Manafort or someone in his employ did. Pretty sure Manafort takes away phone privileges from Trump regularly, and eventually Trump bribes someone to get his phone back for him.

Oh yeah, then there is the logo.
Okay it isn't animated normally, but you get the idea, the T is fucking the P and there is no possible other way to look at it.

Any other election and this would be the death knell, but not for Trump! His followers are even stupider and more bigoted than he is, and America is a place where the GOP could run a decaying dear carcass and get forty percent of the vote if it promised to give us more guns.

The ride it seams is only going to get wilder.

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