Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A couple things

A mixed bag today, the Senate, in a by now routine show of incompetence and stupidity, failed to pass any of the four measures relating to gun control that were up because they are that scared of the NRA still I guess. I assume this will remain the case until someone takes an assault rifle to a roomful of rich white people, but probably when that happens it will be because the revolution had come and the people in question are the actual Senate.
It's a little bit depressing.

In other news however the Trump campaign is a shambles, Trump fired Corey Lewandowski, one of his campaign managers this morning for reasons that as yet remain unknown but probably have to do with power struggles within the campaign, see Trump recently hired Paul Manafort, whose last name sounds like an optional dungeon in a Final Fantasy game, possibly where you would find Ultima Weapon or something. Anyway, Manafort has gained a great deal of influence, being an actual competent organizer, albeit one who hires out to dictators on occasion. Trump spent like a week trying to not be insane largely due to his efforts, unfortunately non-insane Trump is really boring and he hates being it, so we don't see him that much.
Trumps children were also involved in the decision, which I think means that those closest to him are starting to realize the campaign needs to actually get its act in gear and do something, it is a month until the convention, and he has less in his campaign fund that pretty much everyone, including Ben Carson still

Lewandowski was fired on the spot, and his contract apparently did not contain an NDA or severance package, so it is entirely possible some good details will come out of this down the line, which would make this campaign so much more magical.

Trump has been silent since the firing, no Tweets or speeches, when he awakens it is sure to be legendary.

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