Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week two

Week two in the books, business is starting to trail off a bit, presumably as people realize they can't order pizza for every meal. Tips are still pretty good though. I'm seeing a lot more people opt for the non contact delivery option which I think is encouraging, although some of them seem to be doing it as a favor to me rather than for their own sake, which is nice, everyone wants to be considered, but also a strange chain of thought.
I delivered to a tattoo parlor the other day, I feel like that is a pretty unsafe profession to be working in right now but what do I know, the dude was super happy, apparently the end of the world makes people get tattoos.
It's a small percentage so far, but an increasing number of people are starting to eschew proper clothes while in their house. It's no big deal to me, they live there and can dress how they want, but I've had a couple ladies in undergarments only answer the door, this makes my day more interesting and also makes me happy that they feel safe enough to not give a shit about that. I've had a couple men in the same state, which is less interesting to me but still fun.
I visited my favorite customer's dog the other day, his name is PJ and he is super excited to see me, his routine is to bark vigorously, run up to me and jump, but not on me, just jump in front of me, then run in a circle around me and go back inside, there he stands over his food bowl and takes a bite of food to show me that it is his food and I am not allowed to have any, this established he comes over for pets. It's a blast.
I've said before I don't think people are seriously understanding how long this is going to be and I still say I am right. But another thing to think about is that once this is over almost nothing will be the same. Even with stimulus efforts untold numbers of businesses small and large will be gone forever, a lot of people will be dead or homeless, lives will change forever, many for the worse.
That stuff above will happen, this is not in doubt, what we can maybe control is to what extent it does by making sure other things change too, this is going to require more than just political measures, rather it's going to need a national realization that the American Dream is dead and never really existed. Bootstraps and billionaires can't solve this, and have never really solved anything, the economy runs on the backs of the working class and the numbers in the stock market mean less than nothing to 99.9% of the world.
The people who actually help are everyone else, those who risked their livelihoods to stay home, those who risked their lives to work in the hospitals and supermarkets, and those who reached out to each other and formed mutual aid networks, donating time, money, and resources they probably couldn't spare to help out.
I took a delivery to an address that was a closed business on Friday, the actual recipient was a homeless woman, she was dirty, wearing torn jeans, and I think the order was actually paid for by a good Samaritan who decided to buy her dinner. This woman tipped me three dollars. By doing so she provided a more helpful contribution to society than any billionaire you care to name. She knows that the only way money helps is when you move it, and she knows that people who are working deserve compensation.
Most of us know this stuff instinctively and on the micro level but for some reason when we bring it to the macro all sense goes out the window, the scale may change but the rules don't. What are the consequences if the government donated money, time and resources it probably can't spare to help out like individuals are? Well, like individuals, it will find out if probably could spare more than it thought. In fact it can spare a whole lot more because on the macro scale of national economy money is an essentially meaningless concept, our government cal always afford to do something it truly decides is worth doing. And that is the main concern, the biggest change we need to make by the end of all this, we have to redefine what is worth doing.
I think we can do it, I think it's gonna be close, but I hope and believe that that realignment is possible.

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